JourneyTrack CX Blog

Why EX Matters: The Key to Delivering Irresistible CX

Written by Claudia Panfil | 10/11/24 6:10 PM

Employee experience is the sum of an employee's interactions with their organization throughout their journey — from recruitment and onboarding to development, daily work environment, and eventual departure. An excellent EX fosters a culture of trust, engagement, and satisfaction among employees. When employees feel valued and supported, they are more likely to stay motivated, which, in turn, benefits both the business and its customers.

EX involves more than just offering perks like gym memberships or free lunches. It is about creating a work environment that nurtures personal and professional growth, provides the necessary tools and resources, and aligns employee values with the organization's mission. This alignment of purpose is crucial because employees who believe in the company’s goals are more likely to invest emotional and intellectual energy into their work, which translates into better customer interactions.


How Employee Experience Influences Customer Experience

At the heart of every customer interaction lies an employee. Whether it’s a call center agent, a sales representative, or a service technician, each touchpoint with a customer is an opportunity to deliver value. When employees are empowered, engaged, and equipped with the right tools, their interactions with customers are not only efficient but also memorable and meaningful.

Here’s how a strong EX directly impacts the quality of customer experiences:

#1. Engaged Employees Deliver Better Service

Employees who are satisfied with their work environment and feel connected to the company’s mission are more likely to be engaged. Engagement leads to enthusiasm, creativity, and a desire to go above and beyond in customer interactions. Happy employees create happy customers. Research by Forrester in 2023 found that companies with high levels of employee engagement could improve CX metrics by up to 11% compared to their competitors. In addition, Gartner reported in 2023 that organizations focusing on EX are 17% more likely to see improvements in customer satisfaction metrics, including NPS and C-SAT.

#2. Employees Are Brand Ambassadors

Employees are often the face of a company, and their interactions with customers directly influence perceptions of the brand. If employees feel proud of where they work, they become enthusiastic brand ambassadors, promoting the company both internally and externally. This sense of pride is contagious — when employees demonstrate passion for their work, customers can sense it and respond positively. A 2023 study by BCG showed that companies with strong EX programs have 25% higher brand advocacy scores than those without.

#3. Employee Experience Drives Innovation

A strong employee experience fosters a culture of innovation. Employees who feel empowered and supported by their employers are more likely to suggest new ideas and solutions to enhance customer experiences. Whether it’s a frontline employee suggesting a new way to solve a common customer issue or a back-office team member developing an improved process, employees who feel valued are motivated to contribute to the company’s success. Forrester noted that companies encouraging employee-driven innovation reported a 12% boost in customer satisfaction.

#4. Satisfied Employees Lead to Lower Turnover and More Consistent CX

High turnover is costly and disruptive. Replacing employees frequently leads to a loss of institutional knowledge and disrupts the customer experience. When employees leave, customers often notice a drop in service quality as new employees go through the learning curve. Organizations that focus on EX tend to have lower employee turnover rates. According to Gartner’s 2023 Employee Experience Report, businesses focusing on EX have 40% lower employee turnover, resulting in more stable and consistent customer experiences.

#5. Customer Trust and Loyalty Are Built Through Employee Authenticity

Customers can tell when an employee genuinely engages in their work versus simply going through the motions. Authenticity matters in customer service because it builds trust. Employees who feel happy and secure in their roles are more likely to show authentic care for the customer’s needs. This authenticity translates into better problem-solving, deeper customer relationships, and increased customer loyalty. Bain & Company's research in 2023 confirmed that brands with highly engaged employees saw a 20% increase in customer retention compared to brands with disengaged employees.


Mapping Employee Experience: A Holistic Approach

Just as businesses map out the customer journey to understand how customers interact with their brand at every touchpoint, mapping out the employee experience offers similar insights. A journey management tool like JourneyTrack, often used to visualize and optimize CX, can be leveraged to compare and improve EX alongside CX. This approach allows organizations to create alignment between the internal employee journey and the external customer journey, ensuring that both experiences are optimized in harmony.

Why Map the Employee Experience?

Mapping the employee experience helps organizations visualize the complete employee journey, from recruitment to exit. It helps identify areas where employees may experience friction, disengagement, or frustration. By understanding these pain points, organizations can make targeted improvements, creating a smoother, more supportive work environment that directly contributes to better customer experience outcomes.

When integrated into a CX tool like JourneyTrack, EX mapping offers several benefits:

#1. Alignment of Goals and Values:

Mapping EX allows companies to ensure that employees’ roles, responsibilities, and work environments are aligned with organizational values. JourneyTrack can be used to create visual maps of both journeys, allowing leadership to compare how employee interactions, workflows, and organizational processes align with customer needs and expectations.

#2. Identifying Moments that Matter:

In CX mapping, companies identify key moments that make or break the customer experience. Similarly, in EX mapping, organizations can identify critical moments in an employee's lifecycle, such as onboarding or performance reviews, that significantly impact their engagement. By mapping both journeys side by side, businesses can see how these moments correlate and ensure that employees are supported during the customer’s most critical interactions.

#3. Understanding Employee Impact on Key Customer Touchpoints:

With JourneyTrack, organizations can visualize how employee satisfaction at key touchpoints influences customer outcomes. For example, if customer feedback shows frustration during a specific stage, mapping the employee journey at that same stage can reveal whether employees feel undertrained or overworked. Addressing these issues can result in smoother CX at critical touchpoints.

#4. Monitoring Cross-Functional Dependencies:

EX mapping helps identify where internal team dynamics may be affecting external service delivery. For instance, the collaboration between HR, IT, and frontline teams plays a crucial role in supporting CX. By mapping these relationships alongside the customer journey, businesses can address inefficiencies that hinder both employee satisfaction and customer experience.

#5. Data-Driven Employee Engagement Strategies:

JourneyTrack’s analytics capabilities allow businesses to compare EX and CX metrics. For example, businesses can compare employee satisfaction scores with customer satisfaction metrics like NPS or CSAT. By overlaying these datasets, organizations can make data-driven decisions that improve both employee well-being and customer outcomes.


Enhancing Employee Experience Using JourneyTrack: A Step-by-Step Approach

Here’s how businesses can use JourneyTrack to map and enhance EX alongside CX:

#1. Define Key Employee Journeys:

Start by mapping the employee journey across key stages, from recruitment, onboarding, and development to retention and exit. JourneyTrack’s intuitive interface allows businesses to visualize these touchpoints in the same way they would for customer journeys.

#2. Compare Employee and Customer Journeys:

Once the employee journey is mapped out, compare it with the customer journey to identify patterns, discrepancies, or potential friction points. The Map of Maps feature easily visualizes how journeys fit together along with the health score for each journey, and multiple personas allow for side-by-side visualizations of both personas, making it easier to identify where employee challenges impact CX.

#3. Capture Feedback from Employees and Customers:

Incorporate employee and customer feedback into the JourneyTrack platform. This data allows businesses to monitor how employees feel at various stages of their journey and how customers perceive their interactions with the brand.

#4. Optimize Employee Touchpoints to Improve CX:

Use insights from JourneyTrack to optimize specific touchpoints in the employee journey that are directly tied to customer outcomes, such as staffing levels or resource allocation.

#5. Measure Success and Iterate:

JourneyTrack’s Journey Impact module allows CXers to measure the success of EX and CX initiatives by tracking changes in metrics and continuously improving both experiences.


The Symbiotic Relationship Between EX and CX

The link between employee experience and customer experience is undeniable. By using tools like JourneyTrack to map both journeys, organizations better understand how employee well-being directly influences customer satisfaction. This holistic approach enables businesses to identify key moments, solve internal challenges, and ensure that employees are empowered to deliver exceptional experiences. Recent research shows that when businesses prioritize EX, the benefits ripple throughout the organization, leading to stronger CX, higher retention, and greater long-term success.

In a world where customer experience is increasingly becoming a key differentiator, businesses that invest in their employees will ultimately see the greatest rewards.



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